young woman and ESA dog touching heads for Who We Help

Who Qualifies?

What are the Qualifications for an ESA and What Kinds of Animals Qualify?

Anyone who has an emotional condition may benefit from an ESA.  However, the condition must be verified by a doctor to get an ESA letter. That’s where we come in.

Our doctors are very familiar with the ESA Federal regulations. And they will follow the correct procedure to see if you qualify.    If you are eligible for an Emotional Support Animal, we will help you get your ESA letter. After that, you can practice your rights with your ESA.  Just call 833-372-6311. And we will do the rest.  

Here are some examples of conditions that qualify a person for an ESA:



Attention Deficit Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Learning Disorder

Autistic Spectrum

The DSM5* lists these and other emotional disorders.  Licensed Health care providers use the DSM 5 to diagnose conditions.  

Our doctors are familiar with the full manual. However, they have chosen to specialize in disorders with a positive clinical response to an ESA.    

This is how people qualify for an ESA letter.  Likewise, there are qualifications for animals.

What Kinds of Animals Qualify to be Emotional Support Animals?

Dogs and cats are the most popular ESA animal. But, certainly, there are many other animals that provide real emotional support for their owners.

According to the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, animals commonly kept in the household can qualify as Emotional Support Animals.  The regulations list these as dogs, cats, small birds, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, other rodents, fish, turtles, or “or other small, domesticated animals kept in the home for pleasure….”

Do you have an animal that you rely on for support that is not listed above? Our doctors will work with you to get it recognized.

 After an interview, we will provide you with documentation which includes the following:

  • An explanation as to how your symptoms will increase if you don’t have the animal.
  • Your unique circumstance or condition that justifies your emotional need for the specific animal that you have.

 Above all, you can count on our doctors to communicate your need to your landlord.  

We Can Help you Qualify for an ESA Letter

We have qualified many different types of animals as emotional support animals! Why? Because they provided the emotional support, their owners needed.

Our doctors specialize in Emotional Support Animals.

Call 833-372-6311 to get started with your ESA – big or small, furry or not. We’re here to help

*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders