How can emotional support animals improve mental health for those struggling with anxiety, depression or PTSD symptoms? Dr. R: When feelings of anxiety and depression start, the dog will perceive that’s going on and that they’ll come and calm you down. I have a niece; her big dog lays down […]
It’s that time of year again. Did you ever consider that your Emotional Support Animal could go to college with you? They can’t carry your books or help write your papers. But an ESA can be a calming influence amidst it all. Or maybe you aren’t even aware that your […]
Do rabbits make good Emotional Support Animals or pets? Or, since Easter is upon us, do rabbits make good gifts? Rabbits are adorable and cuddly, for sure. They make wonderful companions if you know how to care for them. And they can be the perfect emotional support animal under the […]
Emotional Support Animals in California are supported by many industries. And if you have your ESA letter, you have a lot to look forward to. For example, do you feel that your Emotional Support Animal has earned a vacation? If so, California might just be the place to go. California […]
ESAs In Alabama Federal and State Guidelines My ESA MD supports owners of Emotional Support Animals in the beautiful state of Alabama. Call 833-372-6388 now if you would like to speak to a doctor. Or feel free to call our office staff with your questions. ESA Regulations in Alabama Alabama […]
Why are Dogs Such Exceptional Emotional Support Animals? First, let’s define what an Emotional Support Animal is. One description of an Emotional Support Animal is an animal that provides comfort, support and stability for its owner. With this definition, it’s easy to see how often, a best friend dog is […]
National Dog Day, August 26th, came and went without much fanfare. After all, a lot is happening today – much more than in 2004. That’s when National Dog Day became recognized as a worldwide holiday. High gas prices, threatened food shortages, and pandemics – who has the time or desire […]