ESAs for Senior Citizens

Are you concerned about an elderly family member or friend living alone or in a senior community?  Did you know that senior citizens have the legal right to have an Emotional Support Animal in most living environments?   They do. ESAs for senior citizens is a little-known method of bringing companionship and support to our best citizens.

According to HUD, many senior citizens qualify for an Emotional Support Animal, even if they are living in a facility.   But they are going to need your help.

ESAs and Loneliness

Unfortunately, too many senior citizens are not enjoying life as they deserve.   In addition to coping with the irritations of an aging body, many are lonely and without purpose. Whether they are in assisted living, a nursing home, or living alone, society easily overlooks the needs of the elderly.  

Their loneliness can be a breeding ground for anxiety and depression.  

Who can help them?

The attending physician will likely prescribe medication.   Few professionals view support animals as a therapeutic solution to depression perpetuated by loneliness. However, logically, loneliness is relieved through genuine live companionship! ESAs can also be an adjunct to ongoing treatments.

 An Emotional Support Animal could be the perfect prescription for this deserving population. 

How to Help get ESAs for Seniors

Give us a call, and we will guide you through the steps to get an Emotional Support Animal for that special person who deserves a new friend.    

 Not everyone qualifies, of course.  We can’t leave the care of an animal to staff that are probably already overworked, for example. And this would be a disqualifying situation for an ESA.

 Many senior citizens do qualify to be ESA owners, but they might not be able to go it alone.  And we will be here to help you understand and apply the regulations.

There is also a non-profit group Pets for the Elderly that helps seniors acquire pets (which could be certified as an ESA if appropriate).

Call 833-372-6311 and learn more about ESAs for senior citizens.

Let’s make a difference!


  1. ESAs and Mental Health in Seniors: The American Humane Society highlights that interactions with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and feelings of loneliness, while increasing opportunities for exercise and socialization among older adults.
  2. HUD Guidelines on ESAs in Housing: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) states that individuals with disabilities may request to keep an assistance animal, including ESAs, as a reasonable accommodation to a housing provider’s pet restrictions. This applies to various housing situations, including senior living facilities.
  3. ESAs and Loneliness in Seniors: A systematic review published in BMC Psychiatry found that pets provide benefits to those with mental health conditions, including offering emotional support and helping manage symptoms during crises.